Reply To: The Surge Team’s Coils

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    meanwhile in South Africa, an alphabet slaughtering surge made landfall, scattering the inhabitants, celebrities and everyday heroes alike. Some suspected the elusive Wordblade

    “Alliteration ascends the assonance of abseiling abstract aspects of anterior antiquities from ancient altars,
    Bouldering down blocks of brooks that break the boring & bland borders of bondage,
    And blinking through bleak and black boxes of brisk bravery.
    Creeping into crops of crooked crocks with crotches of cockroaches cramming into cans of calamity, the crisp cat crackles the calling.
    Dreaming of damning devils and demons dancing in droplets of dreary darkness drags the drunken diligence from the draught’s damnation,
    Even the everlasting ethereal elves ebbed and eased into the effervescent eloquent estate of eternal elitism.

    For the feeble and fumbling fatuous frontiers, the folly frolicked and fornicated with the familiar friend from foes’ fervent fevers;
    Greater than gradient grand gestures of gestaltic granite grasses,
    The gruesome grizzle grabbed the gore by the gripped grunting.
    Higher than homelands of hands in horizons,
    Heavens and Hells or Hades hazily hear the honing of the horses and horns-
    In internal infernos of inflicting infringes of institutional insurrections Interrogations instigated imminent innate innovations.
    Jacknives of jaundiced and jilted jokers jabbed at the jumping jingles of the jesting jackals that jet over jerseys of jeering,
    For the Killer Krakens kelp the kites from kids who keep kaleidoscopes of kind and keen keepers.

    Longer than languid lads that laze in lost latitudes the lieutenant lounged behind lines of lingering losses-
    Maids mellowed around mazes of men and manners of mad moments and made for mates on mattresses on mothered matrimony.
    Noisy & never-ending neckties on nests of nicked numbers never nominated the nurses that nosed the nuns for nuns’ nihilism
    Beyond the Oligarchs of overt operations of obligating omnipotence ostracizing the omniscience & omitting its ownership to the omnipresent order.
    Pilgrims to pentagons by people from poached & palpitated places of placards of propaganda pondered their positions in this power polarity
    When quivering quills of quavering queens quelled the quarterly quests of the quaint quarrels.

    Because roving rivers of raging ravines and raving reviews raced to the rest of the ripped rampant ravages and revelled at the rambling randomness
    Structured subsiding and subsidized societies should string the strongholds of the supreme sultans of seeded senses.
    Taking the trusty treaty the trussed toppled truants took the trickling ticking of time to the tables of trampled trees of timber,
    For under the ubiquitous umbilical umbrellas of ultra-sounds from upper-level ulcers underground underworlds underestimated the union.

    Vivid visions of voracious vampires of vexing vacuum vortexes vilified the vindicated vindictives from the violent vapid vanity
    While wild & wily whiskers of whispered whisky whisked the wailing widows
    From the wells of wanting when the wanton warriors walked on waters.
    Yards of years of yearning the yesterday’s yonder yarns of yellow yolk yawned Into the youth’s yoked yams
    For zigzags of zapped zebras to zip the zest in zealous zones.”