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Forums Yurara Fameliki’s Stories Circle of Eights, Stories Reply To: Circle of Eights, Stories


    With the winter coming so fast (no more season you see), Dory was busy tidying her patio waiting for the next plane to Long Pong.
    All the dusty trinkets and the artworks she had brought back from her different excavations; she had to put them into some shelter, just in case. Last week the temperature had plummeted so quickly. She had to take the warm clothes out of the closets and realized she also had to change some of them in the process. Some unfriendly moth had eaten the wool of her favorite sweater…
    She was feeling dull and empty. Almost like she had no more purpose. Doing that cleaning and tidying was a way of distracting herself from that impression, she knew it would pass.
    Since the departure of her friends, Yann and Yurick, she had felt a bit lonely, even with Dan being present.
    She lacked a new excavation project, one that would fill in her blood with excitement and passion.

    An odd thought made her shudder. For a moment she had considered the idea of having a baby.

    — “No!”
    Really, she should find something worthy of her unlimited energy and not something that would chain her in habits and force her attention outside of her. Though, she seemed quite short of energy lately… However, it was not the time, not the place… and merely not the life for it.

    She wondered : what were her friends doing?
    Yann and Yurick were most probably preparing their new book, and Finn had told her last time that she was on the verge of adopting a baby Orangatun“she would need spare jungle in her garden”, she chuckled at the sudden vision of Finn gardening her jungle… Well at least it would give her a good distraction.

    She stopped her tidying and came back inside the house. Where was the wireless phone again? Apparently everything was a mess… she’d have to rethink the “no” she had given Dan last time he had asked her if she needed a butler.

    Oh! under her former favorite sweater, of course! She took the phone and composed Finn’s number. Maybe she would extend her trip from Long Pong to New Zealand…